If you would like any further information about any of our products in the CattlePlan range, please contact us.

Breeder Packs
Cow Packs are available for all synchronisation protocols listed. For variations on these programs or for other protocols not listed, please contact our CattlePlan technical manager for advice.

DIB-H is a 0.5 g intravaginal progesterone device recommended for use in all types of beef cattle (Bos indicus and Bos taurus) and all types of heifers (beef and dairy) in planned breeding programmes.
Bos taurus beef cattle and in particular Bos indicus cattle have been shown to be sensitive to large amounts of progesterone and this can affect the success of FTAI programs. DIB-H is unique to the Australian market offering an optimised dose of 0.5g for all heifers and beef cows.